Placeholder for displaying variables

By using placeholders, the values of individual variables can also be read out and inserted into the e-mail. To use a variable as a placeholder,

you need the name of the variable as well as the name of the data source to which this variable belongs.

In this example we want to use the number of currently connected clients in an e-mail.

We find this value in the system variable "current_session_count". The data source name of the system data source is "System".

Placeholders for variables consist of curly brackets into which an "@" + data source name + variable name is written.

Data source name and variable name are separated by a dot. So, in this case @System.current_session_count.

The placeholder “@System.current_session_count” has been replaced with the value of the variable.

Incidentally, placeholders for variables work for control actions as well as for variable changes and triggered alarms.

If you make a mistake or write variables that do not exist, the placeholder is written out in plain text with the addition that the variable was not found.