Placeholder for single values

As seen in the previous chapters, the placeholders “@changedvariable” and “@triggeredalarm” are replaced by whole information blocks.

Thus, it is unfavorable to use these placeholders in a continuous text. To avoid large blocks of information and to be able to read out only individual

information of the block, you can add a single value to one of the placeholders explained.

For example, the placeholder "@changedvariable" is replaced by the information block consisting of "Name", "Value", "Quality", "Message" and "Timestamp".

Now it is possible to read individual information from this block. For example, if you only want to have the name and value of the variable,

write the following placeholders in the e-mail:

  • "" and "@changedvariable.value"


Overview of the single values for "@changedvariable" placeholders.

  • @changedvariable.value
  • @changedvariable.quality
  • @changedvariable.message
  • @changedvariable.timestamp

Overview of the single values for „@triggeredalarm” placeholders

  • @triggeredalarm.type
  • @triggeredalarm.is_active
  • @triggeredalarm.message
  • @triggeredalarm.begin
  • @triggeredalarm.end