The Project explorer

Here you can make project-related settings:

  • Pages and sections

Add new pages and selections.

  • Header and footer

Headers and footer which created under "Pages and sections" appears here.

  • Communication

Create data sources, variables, and alarm variables.

  • Database

Here you can create database connections, as well as display entire table contents from databases on the 


  • Translation texts

You can create translations for different languages here. Your project can thus be used by an international team.

  • Charts

The chart manager is used to manage various chart configurations, which then can be displayed inside a chart control element.

  • E-mail templates

In QuickHMI you have the possibility to send automatically generated e-mails by variable values change, alarms are triggered, or communicating with controls.

  • Scripting

Create and link JavaScript functions. With the innovative HTML5 manager, individual representations and scripting can also be implemented in just a few steps.

It is possible to integrate external HTML services. For more information, please refer to the HTML / JavaScript documentation.

  • Media

Imported images and audio files can be used for user-defined image control elements and variables.

It's also possible to create your own SVG controls.

  • Security

In this area you can Create users into groups and assign rights.

  • PlugIns

Add and remove extensions with the PlugIn Manager.

  • Recipes

Create and select recipes with recipe management.

  • Project settings

Overview and editing of project-specific settings.